Monday, March 7, 2022

Second Story Announcement for 2022

I am pleased to announce that my science-fiction story "Spinoza's Garden" will be published this year in the anthology Brave New Worlds by Zombies Need Brains, with editors Joshua Palmatier and S.C. Butler. I am thrilled to have my story included in this collection. I grew up reading most of my science-fiction from anthologies like this and the theme of Brave New Worlds is one I would have stayed up late reading by the light of the streetlamp outside my bedroom window.

You can click on the link below if you want to pre-order the e-book or order one of the special Kickstarter paperbacks, but these paperback quantities are limited.

Click here to go to the Zombies Need Brains store.

E-books and trade paperbacks will be available later on. I can't wait to share this story with you.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

First Story Announcement for 2022

My story "The Last Seven Tribes of Ketchari," previously printed with Transmundane Press in 2017, will be my first reprinted story, which is terribly exciting, is going to be published in the anthology Summer of Sci-fi & Fantasy, edited by Dustin Bilyk.

The contract has been signed! Now the publisher is running a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to pay each author a full professional rate. And you could help with that!

If you would like to patron my art, you can pre-order an e-book or paperback version of the book, due out this summer by meeting one of the donation tiers of the campaign. If you haven't read this fantasy story of mine, the first I finished after my accident, this collection will be a great place for you to read it. 

Click here to go to the Kickstarter project for this Anthology!

Thank you for all of your support.